Monday, December 22, 2008

A Cop We All Can Love

I don't usually use others' material, but in the midst of a country wracked by questions of police legitimacy, I found at least one argument suggesting that law enforcement and humanity can in fact coexist (until the former tells on itself).

Monday, December 15, 2008

Magical Mystery Tour

Before all the helter-skelt of this past week+, I had planned out a magnificent post dedicated to our glorious weekend in Thessaloniki for Toby's birthday. Since then, all my creative exuberance has been negated by the forces of acting all serious and what not, but I assure you, at least the pictures themselves convey the legend well.
On the train to Thessaloniki, Comrade Tracey falls asleep during Lenin's lecture on the effects of the railway on the growth of capitalism in the nineteenth century. To be fair, the poor gal was beat after walloping me in Travel Scrabble. Not to worry, I got my revenge on the way back with my first ever 7 letter bonus word: sonogram. And yes, the old Greek man symbolizes Lenin and I Tracey.

The greatest photograph ever taken by my camera. Directed by Tracey, the genius lies in the mirror. Reflect, ponder, hallucinate, reach enlightenment.

What can I say? When we saw this, our Sunday evening suddenly became all booked up. Unfortunately, Bootyfishious was nowhere to be found, just some guy from LA who sold his dignity for a shot at the big time. But I didn't care; I was too busy losing a dance contest to Savvas' jelly roll.
The optic triad. The best part about this is Toby's camera, which is pointed who knows where. We laughed for about three minutes when we looked at her picture...I think it caught the edge of Tracey's coat. Then again, we did have some help...
Thessaloniki's best kept secret. Who knew such colors existed, and who knew they could be enhanced by the gastronomic treasures of the city?

At the city walls, at dusk, during a Chevrolet commercial. Then we deleted pictures from Toby's camera.

Tracey got indigestion. Toby went medieval on her and bled her fingers. I'm actually not kidding. Ancient Korean remedy. Or was it vampire remedy? Who can remember such details? The grimace says it all.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

When Chemicals Collide

"It seems that fate is intent on making fools of us all."

"What is a democracy that can be usurped by the people?"

Yesterday, I was tear-gassed. I saw the most intense fires , the scaredest group of cops, and the youngest mob of cop-hating, debris-launching students. And immigrant looters. It may seem obvious, even a priori, to decide what went on here. Over-reaction, unthinking violence, tyranny of emotion, large-scale peer pressure. But watching all the destruction first-hand was one of the most pensive moments of my life. All the answers, judgments, and pronouncements that my upbringing had prepared for such an event were for me only the first words in a still ongoing dialogue. So as you look at the images, which normally may evoke certainty and even a touch of gratitude that we do not live in a country that cannot maintain the "proper" order, I hope they instead cause you to think about why this happened, what such actions really signify stripped of their stupidity and youthful excess, and how they relate to what we have in our past styled as more honorable protests, demonstrations, and rebellions against authority.

In case the cause of the riots is unknown to anyone, here is a brief, though still vague, summary: during some rather typical demonstrations, a 15 (or 16?) year old boy was shot and killed by a policemen. The police maintain that the cop fired two shots in the air and one into the ground, which ricochet-ed and hit the boy. Witnesses say that he fired at the victim. Forensics is supposed to confirm one of the stories today. Either way, the anarchist movement was incensed at this latest infringement of propriety by the police--and ultimately an in their minds inefficient and corrupt government--and began organizing demonstrations throughout the country, aimed at any symbol of the state or mass commercialism.

With apologies for any misrepresentation or implied stance that my own subjectivity has transmitted.

Just after I took this (of a cell phone store), about ten guys, seemingly immigrants, ran in and looted the store. Before that little or nothing had been taken by the vandalizers, who had long since passed by.

Protestors spray painted "15 year old dead/ Cop-pigs murderers" in front of the Parliament building in the main square of Athens.

Moments later, a troop of riot police march over the graffiti.

Firement work to put out a four-story building engulfed in flames. By the time I arrived it was impossible to tell what business originally was run there. Later on we saw a travel agency ablaze. It's unclear if these were targeted or just on the route of the rioters and especially susceptible to the molotov bombs.

A snack shop stays open directly next door to a completely burned out building (actually, part of the same building, but protected by the concrete walls).

The not-to-be-spared downtown McDonalds, doors battered in, garbage bins overturned. The cash registers were also uprooted behind the counter.

Monday, December 01, 2008

The Growth and Development of a Sarcophagus Embryo