Wednesday, July 01, 2009

What just happened?

It's rare when a story tells itself, which is why I'm such a good poet. But last night...well, just have a look:

My new roommate, Nasia, comes home around 10 pm with her friend Katerina, informing me that they are helping with some Biennale art event at a restaurant. As she looks for something to change into, I learn that neither of them know exactly what they are supposed to do. All we know is that Nasia is a makeup artist, and Katerina will be her "canvas." Always ready to play spectator, I accept their invitation to come along.

An hour later, Nasia is ready to go. Five minutes later, she remembers that she needs something else and runs up to get it. Five minutes later, having returned, she remembers that she needs something else and runs up to get it. Finally, we leave.

We get to the restaurant and learn that Katerina is supposed to only wear a bra and underwear, which she is uncomfortable with. Things are chaotic and while everyone runs off to think of a compromise, she asks if I would be willing to do it instead, since she doesn't want to let Nasia down. I see no reason why not...but then they come back and convince her to do it if I go back to the apartment and get some more acceptable apparel. But Nasia overhears my agreement and decides that she will make us both into art.

On the cab ride back the apartment, my knowledge of Greek leads the driver to discourse at length on the Greek language, its difficulty, various dialects and cadences. He also threw in a piece of trivia about the Americans (and Brits) coming in and killing a bunch of people (not sure what the connection was). I said he was next if he didn't get me back to the restaurant faster (lies).

I get back with my delivery, and Nasia starts to work on Katerina first, leaving me in a state of boxers amidst the high society of northern Greece: beautiful people, drinking fancy cocktails and admiring art that they can then tell people they saw in an attempt to win prestige and glamour.

Then it was my turn. I should say that the theme was "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," so Nasia started by styling the lyrics to the song on our backs (and partially on my tummy), before then rolling more solid paint on Katerina's front. Perhaps she was intending to do the same to me, but then she had the idea of splashing paint on Katerina, and soon was splattering us both with the colors of the spectrum.

Don't worry, I caught up to Katerina pretty quickly. Then the owner came and Nasia started splatterring him as well (at his request: after she hit him with green, he demanded different colors, protesting that he wasn't a salad).

All in all, I'd say that my first modeling experience was pretty amazing, but maybe that's because I didn't get paid so it didn't feel like prostitution (one free drink doesn't count, since I paid 8 euros for the first one). Plus we got crepes afterwards, mmmmmm


Blogger katiemax said...

awesome. nice blue steel in the last photo.

4:37 AM  
Blogger Antiquated Vagaries said...

You are crazy.

- the other katie

9:11 AM  
Blogger Miya said...

Amazing. It's good to know you have other talents, in case the whole dissertation thing doesn't work out.

11:18 AM  

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