Sunday, December 10, 2006

Birds have small brains

This weekend was one saturated with the fruit of fertile minds and that which defines them by its Otherness. This blog entry is the humble attempt to reproduce such harvest as may be fit for the broader audience that my imagination has created to justify the countless hours, sweat, and toil I have devoted to a venue of expression that primarily appeals to preteens. It is also meant to reassure those of you to whom I have perhaps given the impression that my social life here isn't as titillating as it has been in previous years. Hold on to your butts.*

Friday night. Around 9 pm (just after dinner). In the salonaki (the smaller, and some might say lesser, living room). Set(h), Alex, Marcie, Katie, I, et al. sit in the various couches and chairs oriented toward a lifeless television set.

Katie: What should we do tonight?
Jeremy: Isos, we could go get a drink...
Alex: That burrito was delicious, but it was filling! Thefore, I shall not be able to "put one back," as the saying goes.
Marcie: Grumblgrmblgrmblgrmbl...
Set(h): I'm playing backgammon!
J: Ok, then!
K: Well, what are we making for Sunday brunch. I'll look up some recipes.
J: I could make made-to-order omelettes.
M: I don't really like eggs.
J: You're an egg!
M: ROOOAAAARR!! [levatates in her chair, glaring at me with the eyes of the girl from the Exorcist, or of Ron Burgundy after Veronica Corningstone, reknowned pirate hooker, told him he had bad hair.] That was the worst insult ever! I'm so angry and with good reason!!!
A: I'd just like to point out that Jeremy just called Marcie an egg.
S: Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos-Tzos

And so it was agreed that new most potent(est) rip would be to call someone an egg. This resulted in much mirth for everyone, except for Marcie, who actually was an egg, though we didn't discover this for centuries.

Saturday afternoon. Out and about. Katie and I have just returned from a highly successful shopping trip, and are walking through an abnormally crowded street, where a number of stands are set up.

J: I think that stand is giving away free wine. Shall we partake?
K: I'm already there Cheech!
Man 1: Greekitybabblybabblebabble Merlot babblebabbleaboutwinebabble-Sauvignon...
J: Nostimo (Delicious)!
K: Dude, there are free shots over there. Ela re!
J: I hope so! [to girl 1] How much do these cost?
Girl 1: They don't.
Not-as-hot-girl 2: [Something I didn't pay attention to]
J: So how many shots have you had today?
Girl 1: None
J: I don't believe you!
K: Vodka Vodka Vodka! Down into my belly!
Girl 2: [to girl 1] You should really use a period at the end of your sentences.
Girl 1: Well I heard your periods attract bears!
K: You hear that? BEARS! GREAT!

Saturnight (it really should become a word). Nick and Joanie's house. Many are congregated for a holiday party full of spinach dip, sugar cookies, mulled (sp?) wine, and fake mistletoe. Tzos, Set(h), Bloody Steven, and Sannan are talking out on the balcony.

Bloody Steven: ...and so that's why Colin Farrel sucks.
Sannan: I'm gettin' REAL sick of him!
Tzos: Interesting indeed, my friend. I shall return.
[Turns and walks directly into the glass door] WHAM!


BS: [Smirks in resignation]

If that were anyone else, you would have assumed they were extremely intoxicated.
BS: The only other creature I've ever seen do that is a bird. Birds have small brains, Josh.
T: [with a hint of sadness creeping up at the end] Indeed...

So as you can see, I am literally living it up here in the Big Olive (Get it? Like New York is the Big Apple, but Athens is the Big Olive because olives are in Greece? Isn't that brilliant??). No need to worry, unless of course, you are nervous that I might be bored once I return to the States. In which case be afraid. Be VERY afraid. You have some work to do.

*I apologize for the inordinate amount of Anchorman quotes and references, but it leavens even the flattest of baked blogs...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

marcie told me that cairo is the big mango. i don't know how to put this, but i'm kind of a big deal. people know me.

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just disrupted the entire Saloni-Tea-Crowd with the sound of my hysterical and hyena-like laughter. Good thing I basically run this place.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Carly said...

oh good, other people have started commenting. Now I don't feel like the only person who reads this crazy stuff!

You spelled 'mulled' correctly, thank goodness (out of curiosity, how else would you spell it?)

6:03 PM  

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